55 Plus Information
The 55 Plus is a ministry to those in our congregation and our community who are 55 and older.
We have so much to share of God's grace in our lives, and with His help we invite different community and church leaders to help us love others and do good deeds throughout the year.
Our normal meeting time is the 3rd Friday of each month from 11:30 AM—1:30 PM (We don't meet in January, March, or August.) Event plans and dates will be posted each month in the NCF newsletter and announced in church.
We have so much to share of God's grace in our lives, and with His help we invite different community and church leaders to help us love others and do good deeds throughout the year.
Our normal meeting time is the 3rd Friday of each month from 11:30 AM—1:30 PM (We don't meet in January, March, or August.) Event plans and dates will be posted each month in the NCF newsletter and announced in church.