Vision, Mission, Values

Our Vision

We seek a future where God will be glorified as people of every race, language, and culture will worship and work together as one beautiful community reconciled by the redeeming work of Jesus.

Our Mission

We exist to glorify Jesus Christ as ambassadors of His Kingdom, making disciples through His gospel, reflected in a cross-cultural worshipping community acting as instruments of His grace, justice, mercy, and love to our city and the world.

We seek to be a congregation 
  • producing cross-cultural, joyful, God honoring worship,
  • producing disciples knowledgeable of the Bible, its application to personal Godliness, culture, and issues of justice,
  • producing a community of servant leaders who give of themselves for God, each other, and the community,
  • helping to promote and plant like minded congregations, and
  • Involved in the broader Kingdom of God as instruments of reconciliation, mercy and justice.

Our Values

Some values that determine who we are as a church
  • The priority of the glory of Christ and the Kingdom of God In all of life
  • The centrality of the Bible, especially the Gospel leading to dependence upon God
  • Missional discipleship; equipping our members with Sonship and Gospel Transformation Encouraging community through small group participation
  • Racial reconciliation and cultural adaptation
  • Acceptance of the broken and humility regarding our own sin
  • Doing ministry through prayer and faith 
Some values that determine what we do as a church
  • Joyful Worship and gospel-centered preaching
  • Basic assistance to the poor and community development
  • Evangelism and Missions to unreached and underreached peoples
  • Development of future church leaders
  • Mobilization of every member into ministry
  • Strengthening academic achievement through our neighborhood public schools and The Glenwood School
For information on what we hold to doctrinally, see Our Beliefs page.

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