Guest Information

Looking for a church?

Looking for a church can be daunting. At New City Fellowship, we want to “clear the way” for you to visit. We want you to be able to experience the great music, insightful messages, friendly people of all ages and backgrounds, and enjoyable atmosphere of New City. We hope that getting some of the following questions out of the way will make it easier for you to plan your visit and get in on all that God has for you!

When  and where do you meet?

Sunday Worship

10:05 AM
Coffee, tea, and refreshments are served beginning at 8:45 AM in the coffee area
2412  E. Third St., Chattanooga, TN 37404
(Park in the lot at the corner of East 3rd St. and Derby St.)

What is the service like?

Our music is a mix of traditional gospel, hymns and worship songs, led by a praise team and worship band. Our choir also helps lead worship 1-2 times each month.  The songs are interwoven with scripture reading and prayer. The sermon digs into the Bible to help you find wisdom and grace to honor God and enjoy His blessings in the challenges of your life. Listening assistive devices are available in the lobby for those with hearing impairment (or you can download the ListenEverywhere app.  More info on New City music. 

Sunday School classes at 9:00 AM are dismissed by 9:50 AM, in time for the worship service. The worship service begins at 10:05  and is over around 11:45 AM.  Coffee, tea, and snacks are served in the fellowship area (called Rudy's Room) beginning at 8:45 AM.

Let us know you're coming, and we'll try to help everything go as smoothly as possible.

What do people wear?

Wear whatever you feel comfortable in, we accept people as they are. There is no need to dress up unless that is how you feel most comfortable worshiping. Summer months are generally more casual.

What about my children?

Worship is at the heart of our faith and Christian life, and at New City, families worship together!. Children ages birth to 1st grade remain in the service until the offering time at which point parents may take them to well-staffed nurseries and childcare. (Exit the doors at the front right or left of the sanctuary, turn right in the hallway, and look for the Nursery staff who will help you get to the right place). More info about New City Children's Ministries.

Do you have Sunday School classes?

Yes, Sunday School for all ages is at 9:00 am.  Click HERE for a description of current adult classes/groups.

What about those with disabilities?

We believe that our friends with disabilities and their families are indispensable to the Body of Christ. To the best of our ability and resources, we will welcome and assist each person affected by disabilities, and we will strive to make the church and its ministries available and accessible to all people.

Our sanctuary is accessible for those with disabilities. We have reserved parking spaces near the front entrance, and handicap accessible doors at the side entrance. There is space on the right hand side at the front of the sanctuary for wheelchairs. There is an accessible restroom (go out the door at front left of sanctuary and turn left toward fellowship area).  For more information contact Pastor Billy McKillop.

Want a map?

More Questions?

We'd love to hear from you.  Call our office at 423-629-1421 or send us a message  below. A member of our team will be happy to assist you!