Photo & Video Policy

At New City Fellowship,  we value the way in which photos, videos and other media help our congregation communicate, celebrate our fellowship, recognize those who serve, preserve memories,  and more. Photos and videos also help tell our story in the community  by providing  those looking for a church with information and an idea of what to expect when they attend our worship services and events. Furthermore, photos and videos  help us to communicate our mission and ministries to reach people who don’t go to church.

Accordingly, photography, videography, live-streaming and other recording may be in progress at New City's services, activities, classes, groups, programs, ministries and other events. New City may use the media recorded at these events in materials produced by the church, including but not limited to bulletins, posters, brochures, newsletters, and other printed and electronic materials, digital media, website, or church social media accounts.

By participating in New City's ministry, 1) you consent to be photographed, videoed or otherwise recorded, 2) you grant your permission for New City to use these recordings without compensation, credit or other consideration to you for New City's promotional, publicity and other purposes, and 3) you agree to release, hold harmless and indemnify New City from any and all liabilities and claims involving the use of your image, likeness, voice or statements.
**See more restrictive policy for minors below.

Photographing or video recording minors

For photography/videography in nursery settings (ages 0-3), explicit permission will be obtained from parents before publishing/public display.

Under no circumstances will any identifying information (first or last name, family members, email addresses, school names, etc.) of anyone under 18 years of age be included in or associated with any photographs or videos displayed, posted or published in any way.

New City acknowledges there may be legal and safety reasons in foster care or certain custody situations  where children should not be included in photos or video. When informed of these circumstances, New City will make every effort to accommodate.
Any event-related photos or videos including minors must have already occurred.  For example, a photo of a prior-year camping trip could be posted or published, while a photo of youth who are signed up for a future camping trip could not.

Photographers/videographers must have a confirmed New City Safety Check and advance approval from Children’s/Youth Ministry Staff or Pastoral Staff. Times and dates must be approved by Staff in advance and coordinated with Children’s/Youth Ministry Staff.

Opting Out

Parents/guardians who do not wish for their child’s photo or video to be potentially posted online or otherwise displayed, regardless of the context, may use the opt-out form, and New City Fellowship will make every effort to exclude the indicated minor from any individual or small group photos or videos.  Please note that children may still be included in large group or crowd shots without identifying information; however, you may always request that any photo or video scene be removed from display.

Requesting removal of a photograph or video

Any individual who appears in a photo or video (or whose minor children appear in a photo or video) that has been posted online may request that it be removed for any reason by using the removal form. A log will be kept in the office of such requests  and their handling.  Please indicate the person or persons involved and the photo or video in question, and New City will seek to remove it from the website or other avenue where it is found.