Missions Information
The Missions Committee oversees the missionaries New City supports while also seeking to raise the awareness of mission within the congregation. New City requires our missionaries to serve under the oversight of the local church or missions agency, and to conduct themselves by God’s grace in a manner that is culturally appropriate. As the following list of 2024 supported missionaries demonstrates, New City supports missionary work around the world:
- Ethiopia - Andy and Bev Warren (MTW)
- North Africa - Pete and Janet
- Kenya - Steve and Karis Rigby (Serge), Joe and Elfi Mutuuki (PMI), Lois Semenye (Bridgewater), Imbumi and Martha Mukuku (MM), Erik and Kimberly Apel (Serge), Shafkat Khan (Overcomers)
- Uganda - Titus Baraka (Care for Uganda)
- Liberia - Samson Tarpeh (ACT)
- Myanmar - Daniel and April Murphree (KRS)
- Japan - Vincent and Kiko Howard (CAJ), Daniel and Rachel Kim (MTW), Anthony Odtohan (MTW)
- Singapore - Masahira Takata (Wycliffe)
- Slovakia - Dominik Svitel (CRU), Marek and Martina Tomavovic (Narnia School)
- International Theological Training - Chris and Josephine Hatch (Third Millennium Ministries)
- England - Marcus and Bethany Gadson (Serge), Mary Hodgkins (Serge),
- Spain & Area Director for Latin America - Dan and Ginni H (Serge), Matt and Melinda Talley (CRM)
- Ukraine - Lauren Stoval (MTW)
- Columbia - Eric and Anna Graham (MTW) - Columbia
- Nicaragua - Bethany Alms (MTW)
- US based - Aubrey and Jerri Fritz (Student Venture, Chattanooga), Ronnie Perry (church planting, FL - NCN), Jamal Morris (UTC campus ministry), Alex and Keren Wright (church planting, NY - NCN), Graham and Emily Guo (RUF, International),
- Mike Kennemer (MNA, Disaster Relief)
- We have a desire to see more African-American missionaries, particularly in international postings.
- We look for missionaries who reflect the particular vision of New City in their lives at home and internationally as well as in their ministries.
- We have several target areas, and support missionaries working with partner churches or ministries in those areas.
- Persons who have been active members of New City for several years, show a commitment to the values of New City, and who are intentional in their pursuit of diversity are encouraged to consider missionary callings.
How to apply for support from New City: We ask that interested persons send a letter of introduction to the Committee at ncfmission@gmail.com, including a brief testimony, description of ministry, and how you might fit into the areas we prioritize. It is helpful to include the names of New City members you know. The Committee will assess these letters, pray for the individuals, and then decide on a further course of action. Generally, next steps include a meeting with the Committee or some representation thereof to determine fit..
January Faith Promise Emphasis: During January, we seek to raise awareness of missionary work and the people we are supporting. A key emphasis is asking members to prayerfully consider our Faith Promise annual giving, gifts that are above regular tithing designated to annual support of our 30+ missionaries.
Missions bulletin board and literature table: A designated board is in Rudy’s Room with prayer cards, newsletters, and flyers from our current missionaries on the field. Please feel free to stop by to read the flyers and pray for God’s work in the places missionaries serve. We also welcome supported missionaries to update the congregation when they are in Chattanooga for home assignments.
For additional information on how to help or how to apply to the missions committee please contact the committee.