"Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God." (Philippians 4:6)
The Prayer Hub is for regular prayer requests that are shared here with the church family and community. If your request is urgent or time-sensitive, or if you want a more private way of sharing it, you can use the Email Prayer Group form here.
The Prayer Hub is for regular prayer requests that are shared here with the church family and community. If your request is urgent or time-sensitive, or if you want a more private way of sharing it, you can use the Email Prayer Group form here.
- If you are submitting a request for someone else, please first obtain permission from the person, and use your name as the person making the request. For sensitive matters, it is may also be wise to check with the person about the wording for the request.
- Church staff may exercise editorial discretion in wording of requests.
- Please also submit updates and reports of answered prayer.
- To receive notifications by email of new requests, click the Watch button to subscribe.
- If you pray for a request, you can click the Amen button to encourage others.