Questions? Feel free to contact Adult Sunday School Coordinator
Bruce Young.Good News to the Poor
Leader: Ron Lowe
Meeting Place: Middle Room of Fellowship Hall
This class will explore local challenges and opportunities to serve our poor and marginalized communities within a biblical, Kingdom-minded framework for the glory of Christ. Weekly practical opportunities to build relationships with the homeless, the incarcerated, the jobless, or those lacking educational resources, along with those who already serve them, will provide collaborative wisdom as we seek to better follow God’s Word and Spirit as instruments of reconciliation, mercy and justice.
In All Things (Women's Study)
Leader: Cindy Kean
Meeting Place: Fellowship Hall Room Closest to Rudy’s Room
Joy is sought by all, but true joy is only reached with the power of the Holy Spirit. In this study of Philippians by Melissa Kruger, we will be reminded of the importance of community in our daily walk. The study will have us delving into the meaning, interpretation and application of scripture to our lives. It teaches us to live the truth in love; recognizing that we are part of the body of Christ, which involves loving one another sacrificially and as a result produces joy.
Gospel Transformations
Leader: Billy McKillop with other elders
Meeting Place: Fellowship Hall Room Closest to the Kitchen
This study seeks to answer the questions: How does "gospel transformation" occur in us? How does it relate to all of life? What are the essentials of the Christian life, and how do they change us? How does God's Spirit work through our weakness? How does the gospel of the kingdom of God renew all things, reconcile relationships, restore justice and equality, free us from every other lord and keep us focused on Jesus as the one true Lord of our lives?
Biblical Sexuality
Leaders: Jerry Moore, Freeman Broadwell, Broderick Burke, Pat Rolleston
Meeting Place: Upstairs Music Room
This class will equip you to understand God’s design for sexuality and give you direction on how to speak the truth in love to those around you. The class is for everyone, and parents may find it helpful for addressing their children’s exposure to cultural views of sexuality with a biblical perspective. The class will use the
God’s Design for Sexuality in a Changing Culture video series to help us meet the challenges before us.