
a ministry of

What is YoungLives?

Chattanooga YoungLives is Young Life's local ministry for adolescent moms. We engage in relationships with pregnant and parenting teens and their babies by entering their world, displaying the unconditional love of Christ, and calling them into their role as women and mothers who have been deeply purposed by God.

YoungLives Methods

  • Going where adolescent parents are and building personal relationships with them.
  • Providing fun, adventurous, life-changing and skill-building experiences.
  • Preparing parents for a lifelong relationship with Christ and a love for His Word, His mission and the local church.
  • Working in the community alongside like-minded adults (mentors, community partners, donors, and staff).
  • Provide a safe place for adolescent parents to come together, build friendships, address hard issues, and experience God’s love

How We Serve

  • Club: Monthly meetings with fun, food, fellowship, and a gospel presentation at New City Fellowship, held one Thursday evening each month from 6-8 pm.
  • Contact Work: Mentors meet moms where they are (in schools, outings, and inviting them into their daily life) to show Christ's love through discipleship.
  • Campaigners: Smaller group gatherings for mentors and moms to study the Bible and grow in their faith outside the monthly club meeting.
  • Camp: A time for parents to have the best week of their life away from the noise of the world, free of technology so that they can experience Jesus for 5 days and have an opportunity to say “yes” to life with him.

Want to Know More?

Wanting to know more about this ministry and how you can get involved?

Follow us on Instagram @chattanoogayounglives 

Or Contact Kayla Collins, YoungLives coordinator