Sunday Evening Children's Ministry

Our church and our children are blessed to have Percy Rolleston who continues assisting us with our Sunday morning children's programming and Yesenia Miranda who continues as our Nursery Coordinator.  We are also thankful for the great work Kathy Morris has done for us with our Sunday evening children's outreach program this fall. Due to some health concerns, Kathy is not able to continue. Please keep her in your prayers.  We are blessed that the Lord has led Sierra Griggs to take over that part-time role for our Sunday evening program that coincides with ESL. Sierra is also being considered for the full-time director's position as we pray together and continue to discuss this with her over the next three months.   Thanks for your continued prayers and support of this important ministry to children and families. Feel free to speak with our children's ministry staff or with Pastor Billy with any questions.  
Sierra (and Jonathan) Griggs





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