Scholarship Workshop Sunday Feb.18

All High School Juniors & Seniors and their parents are invited to a workshop on preparing for college. The workshop will be held at the Youth House on Sunday February 18th from 3:00 to 4:30 PM. Dr. Stephanie Young & Tobey Carpenter will be presenting the workshop. 

Dr. Young is the author of Thriving in College, a book based on her personal experiences as a college advisor working to help make education accessible for as many students as possible. Dr. Young is the Director of Scholarships  for The Community Foundation of Greater Chattanooga. Stephanie says she is passionate about equitable access to education and connection to resources that empower students to reach their greatest potential. 

Tobey Carpenter is a long time member of a New City Fellowship & serves alongside Dr. Young on the Scholarship Committee of The Community Foundation of Greater Chattanooga. Tobey's desire is to connect as many students who from New City's membership and various ministries with the opportunity to pursue a college education. 

Their workshop will cover:  
- How to prepare for a successful first semester at College
- How to apply for College Scholarships
- Where to Find Scholarships
- Information on Scholarships offered at the Community Foundation of Greater Chattanooga and how to apply

The Community Foundation specializes in offering scholarships for first generation college attenders but has many different types of scholarships for which students may apply. This workshop will be helpful and informative to all students, and parents of students, preparing for their first year of college

For more info contact Darius Griggs.





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