NCF Faith Promise

What is Faith Promise?
Your Faith Promise involvement says that you believe:
How do I get the funds to fulfill my Faith Promise?
When and how do I make my Faith Promise?
During the month of January, you can make a commitment using the cards provided in the bulletin or at the sanctuary doors, or you use the online pledge form in this email or at MyNewCity on the church website. Those who are present January 28th will be invited to bring pledge cards forward in a special offering processional.
- Faith Promise is the primary means for missions giving at New City. Believers trust the Lord to help them make a decision about how much they should give to missions over the next year, and then they commit to that annual total as a "Faith Promise." Click Here for a list of missionaries New City supports.
- Faith Promise giving is over and above the tithe. Tithing is a clear scriptural principle, dating back to the earliest pages of Genesis. Tithing recognizes God's ownership over me and all that I have. In practical terms, tithe money runs the local church and its ministries.
- Faith Promise is a way for us to give specifically toward reaching the unreached of the world. Faith Promise giving tangibly expresses my desire that the whole world know the Good News.
- A Faith Promise is a faith commitment. Promise only what you believe God wants to give through you. Then trust God to be faithful in helping you fulfill your promise.
Your Faith Promise involvement says that you believe:
- World evangelism is vital to accomplishing the mission of the church.
- The gospel can change lives.
- Giving, although important, is secondary to faith and praying.
- God will help pay the amount promised.
How do I get the funds to fulfill my Faith Promise?
- God may increase your income.
- God may decrease your expenses.
- God may lead you to sacrifice.
When and how do I make my Faith Promise?
During the month of January, you can make a commitment using the cards provided in the bulletin or at the sanctuary doors, or you use the online pledge form in this email or at MyNewCity on the church website. Those who are present January 28th will be invited to bring pledge cards forward in a special offering processional.
How do I give toward my Faith Promise commitment?
Checks should be made to New City with the memo line “Faith Promise”. When giving online (, choose the “Missions (Faith Promise)” fund option.
Is Faith Promise the only way I can participate in Missions giving?
Not everyone chooses to give weekly or monthly through Faith Promise. If you choose not to make a Faith Promise, you can still designate an offering at any time with a memo line of “Missions,” or online, choose “Missions (Other).”
How can our children participate in Faith Promise? What is the Penny Drive?
The Penny Drive is a way for our children to participate in Faith Promise. Partnered with the children’s ministry, the Mission Committee believes even the youngest members can faithfully experience the joys of giving to God’s global mission. Children will make a bottle in sunday school to collect coins, and over the month of January children will come forward and make a joyful noise by pouring out their offering at the altar. Funds raised this year will go to the Narnia School, run by one of our supported missionaries in Trnava, Slovakia. More on the school here.
Checks should be made to New City with the memo line “Faith Promise”. When giving online (, choose the “Missions (Faith Promise)” fund option.
Is Faith Promise the only way I can participate in Missions giving?
Not everyone chooses to give weekly or monthly through Faith Promise. If you choose not to make a Faith Promise, you can still designate an offering at any time with a memo line of “Missions,” or online, choose “Missions (Other).”
How can our children participate in Faith Promise? What is the Penny Drive?
The Penny Drive is a way for our children to participate in Faith Promise. Partnered with the children’s ministry, the Mission Committee believes even the youngest members can faithfully experience the joys of giving to God’s global mission. Children will make a bottle in sunday school to collect coins, and over the month of January children will come forward and make a joyful noise by pouring out their offering at the altar. Funds raised this year will go to the Narnia School, run by one of our supported missionaries in Trnava, Slovakia. More on the school here.
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