Sunday School Resumes Jan. 14
New classes begin January 14th. The apostle Paul tells us in 2 Timothy 2:15 “to study to show ourselves approved by God, a worker who correctly handles the word of truth.” We want to encourage you to study how God’s Word applies to all areas of life by attending one of the first 2024 trimester Sunday School classes. Here’s a brief description of each class. Locations to be determined and will be posted.
GOSPEL TRANSFORMATIONS Led by Alvin Huffine & Dan Morris This study seeks to answer the questions: How does "gospel transformation" occur in us? How does God's Spirit work through our weakness? How does the gospel of the kingdom of God renew all things, reconcile relationships, restore justice and equality, free us from every other lord, and keep us focused on Jesus as the one true Lord of our lives? This class is ongoing but all are welcomed to attend. | |
Give Them Grace Led by the McKillops & Wilhelms All of us as parents want to raise good kids. And we want to be good parents. But what exactly do we mean by “good?” And is “being good” really the point? In their parenting book, Give Them Grace: Dazzling Your Kids With the Love of Jesus, Mother-daughter team Elyse Fitzpatrick and Jessica Thompson contend that every way we try to make our kids “good” is simply an extension of Old Testament Law—a set of standards that is not only unable to save our children, but also powerless to change them. We must tell our kids of the grace-giving God who freely adopts rebels and transforms them into loving sons and daughters. If this is not the message our children hear, if we are just telling them to “be good,” then the gospel needs to transform our parenting too. Give Them Grace is a revolutionary perspective on parenting that shows us how to receive the gospel afresh and give grace in abundance, helping our children know the dazzling love of Jesus and respond with heartfelt obedience. | |
IN CHURCH AS IT IS IN HEAVEN Led by Cynthia and Bruce Young This class will continue our study of racial reconciliation and will build on previous studies of the books: Beyond Racial Gridlock and Oneness Embraced. While the class is part of an ongoing study of biblical reconciliation everyone is welcome to attend this class and background knowledge is NOT necessary to benefit from the class. The class will focus on HOW to be a multiethnic church. The study is based on the passage in Revelation where John notes that people from every tribe, nation, race and language will be in heaven. This is God’s plan. We will explore how this multiethnic/cultural multitude can start happening in the church now. Content for the class will be drawn not only from the book, In Church As It Is In Heaven by Williams & Jones, but also from our own experiences and God’s Word. | |
1ST AND 2ND SAMUEL Led by Charlie Ingram The class will study the books of first and second Samuel. 1 Samuel speaks to God’s kingship, providential guidance, and God’s sovereign power as these unfold through the lives of Samuel, Saul, and David. 2 Samuel covers the themes of the Davidic Covenant and the Messianic promises through the story of King David. | |
FINANCIAL PEACE Led by Henry Crutcher This class is intended to teach financial literacy based on a time-tested study plan that includes using scripture to validate its principles. The class will follow Dave Ramsey’s curriculum on Financial Peace. |
Ministry Fair Sunday, January 19Praying Church Seminar Jan.25Women’s Winter Bible Study GriefShare Support Group Begins Jan. 12Stephen Lynerd Group Jazz Concert Jan. 16Ch-Ch-Chili Cookoff Jan. 26MLK Day 2025Time to Restock the Food PantryRemembering Those In PrisonSpring Choir Season 2025LDR 2025 February 7-9Men's Breakfast Feb. 8Adult Sunday Classes ResumeGLAD Volunteers Needed NowWoodlands Church Fundraiser Feb 7
Sunday School Resumes Jan. 14 Podcast to Interview Pastor Kevin Jan 8Sacred Jazz Returns to New City Jan 10Fellowship Lunch Jan. 14Next Generation Ministry at New CityChili Cook Off Jan 21Weather EmergencyConcert PostponedNominations for Elder, Deacon, and DeaconessNCF Choir Returns for the Spring SeasonCongregational Meeting January 31All Church Involvement - Are You In?Building and Grounds 2023 Report
New City Van Drivers Needed Sunday MorningsNCF Faith PromiseEllis' Invitation to Attend Lecture SeriesNew Men's Study Group Continues This TuesdayThinking About Joining New City as a Member?Nexus Valentine's PartyLenten Season is HereScholarship Workshop Sunday Feb.18Help Restock Choices' Baby BoutiquePraise and Worship Night Feb.29
Women’s Ministry Prayer Retreat Saturday March 9New Members Fellowship Meal This Sunday March 355 Plus Luncheon March 8New Email Prayer Group21 Days of HopeMonthly Mercy Ministry Offering March 17Doing Theology: Lectures by Carl Ellis and Karen Ellis NCF Kids Easter ProgramMen's Breakfast April 6The Glenwood School Has Kindergarten Openings
Silent Auction Ends April 14Praise and Worship Night April 18Ladies: Renewal Fellowship April 20Your Marriage Matters - Postponed until April 27Health Conference - April 20Corn Hole Tournament August 13Help Impact Urban Youth Through BaseballSpring Scavenger Hunt May 455 Plus Prayer Warriors April 26Orchard Knob Teacher Appreciation Day May 8Pastor Kevin's Birthday Celebration May 5AAPI Heritage Month Event May 19
CCEF Comes to Chattanooga October 4-6New City is Committed to our SchoolsNexus Summer PicnicsSummer Sunday SchoolBlock Party Review55 Plus Spring LuncheonYouth Missions Update from St. LouisArea Juneteenth ActivitiesJuneteenth Commemoration Lunch June 23Ladies: Renewal Fellowship June 22Volunteer for Urban CampSpend the Fourth of July with the LookoutsPCA General Assembly Report
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