New Sunday School Classes Jan. 8
Revelation (Women’s Study)
Led by Cindy Kean, Meets in Fellowship Hall room nearest Rudy’s Room
This class will study the Book of Revelation using Nancy Guthrie’s study- Blessed: Experiencing the Promise of the Book of Revelation. The study will focus on how Revelation is less about when Jesus will return and more about who we are to be, what we are to do, and what we can expect to endure as we wait for Jesus to return to establish his kingdom in the new creation.
This class will study the Book of Revelation using Nancy Guthrie’s study- Blessed: Experiencing the Promise of the Book of Revelation. The study will focus on how Revelation is less about when Jesus will return and more about who we are to be, what we are to do, and what we can expect to endure as we wait for Jesus to return to establish his kingdom in the new creation.
What Did You Expect? (Married Couples)
Led by McKillops and Wilhelms, Meets in Music Room upstairs
This class will use Paul Tripp’s material, “What Did You Expect? Redeeming the Realities of Marriage” Marriage involves two flawed people living in a fallen world. Unrealistic expectations can set a couple up for conflicts. Learn how reconciliation can be a lifestyle in marriage by God’s faithfulness and grace.
This class will use Paul Tripp’s material, “What Did You Expect? Redeeming the Realities of Marriage” Marriage involves two flawed people living in a fallen world. Unrealistic expectations can set a couple up for conflicts. Learn how reconciliation can be a lifestyle in marriage by God’s faithfulness and grace.
Beyond Racial Gridlock
Led by Cynthia Young, Meets in Fellowship Hall room nearest the kitchen
This class will look at four models of how to deal with racial issues, then evaluate each one from a Christian perspective. Finally, a biblical approach to racial reconciliation will be discussed in a non-threatening environment. The class will use George Yancey’s book, “Beyond Racial Gridlock: Embracing Mutual Responsibility” by studying and discussing one chapter per week.
This class will look at four models of how to deal with racial issues, then evaluate each one from a Christian perspective. Finally, a biblical approach to racial reconciliation will be discussed in a non-threatening environment. The class will use George Yancey’s book, “Beyond Racial Gridlock: Embracing Mutual Responsibility” by studying and discussing one chapter per week.
Gospel Transformations
Led by Alvin Huffine, Meets in Grace House Conference Room across the street
This is an ongoing class from the fall semester; however, new attendees are always welcomed and encouraged to attend.
This is an ongoing class from the fall semester; however, new attendees are always welcomed and encouraged to attend.
Biblical Sexuality
Led by Elders, Meets in Fellowship Hall middle room
This class is for everyone interested in a biblical approach to understanding sexual issues- gender identity, same-sex attraction, same-sex marriage, etc. Parents may be particularly interested in learning a biblical perspective to answer those hard questions from their children’s exposure to cultural views of sexuality. The class will use the video series, God’s Design for Sexuality in a Changing Culture.
This class is for everyone interested in a biblical approach to understanding sexual issues- gender identity, same-sex attraction, same-sex marriage, etc. Parents may be particularly interested in learning a biblical perspective to answer those hard questions from their children’s exposure to cultural views of sexuality. The class will use the video series, God’s Design for Sexuality in a Changing Culture.
Sunday School Resumes Jan. 14 Podcast to Interview Pastor Kevin Jan 8Sacred Jazz Returns to New City Jan 10Fellowship Lunch Jan. 14Next Generation Ministry at New CityChili Cook Off Jan 21Weather EmergencyConcert PostponedNominations for Elder, Deacon, and DeaconessNCF Choir Returns for the Spring SeasonCongregational Meeting January 31All Church Involvement - Are You In?Building and Grounds 2023 Report
New City Van Drivers Needed Sunday MorningsNCF Faith PromiseEllis' Invitation to Attend Lecture SeriesNew Men's Study Group Continues This TuesdayThinking About Joining New City as a Member?Nexus Valentine's PartyLenten Season is HereScholarship Workshop Sunday Feb.18Help Restock Choices' Baby BoutiquePraise and Worship Night Feb.29
Women’s Ministry Prayer Retreat Saturday March 9New Members Fellowship Meal This Sunday March 355 Plus Luncheon March 8New Email Prayer Group21 Days of HopeMonthly Mercy Ministry Offering March 17Doing Theology: Lectures by Carl Ellis and Karen Ellis NCF Kids Easter ProgramMen's Breakfast April 6The Glenwood School Has Kindergarten Openings
Silent Auction Ends April 14Praise and Worship Night April 18Ladies: Renewal Fellowship April 20Your Marriage Matters - Postponed until April 27Health Conference - April 20Corn Hole Tournament August 13Help Impact Urban Youth Through BaseballSpring Scavenger Hunt May 455 Plus Prayer Warriors April 26Orchard Knob Teacher Appreciation Day May 8Pastor Kevin's Birthday Celebration May 5AAPI Heritage Month Event May 19
CCEF Comes to Chattanooga October 4-6New City is Committed to our SchoolsNexus Summer PicnicsSummer Sunday SchoolBlock Party Review55 Plus Spring LuncheonYouth Missions Update from St. LouisArea Juneteenth ActivitiesJuneteenth Commemoration Lunch June 23Ladies: Renewal Fellowship June 22Volunteer for Urban CampSpend the Fourth of July with the LookoutsPCA General Assembly Report
It’s an Open House September 15Nametag MonthCongregational Informational Meeting October 9Thinking About Joining New City as a Member?Young Adults Pancake Lunch Sept. 22Praise and Worship Night Sept. 19Women's Fall Retreat Oct.4-52025 Summer InternshipsServicio de Alabanza - Latino Worship Night October 10
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