Prayer Seminar May 5-6, 2023

Kingdom Prayer Leadership Intensive

Feeling the drag of stress-relief survival prayer— instead of refreshing intimacy with Jesus and powerful intercession and participation in the mission and message of Christ? Help build a culture of missional prayer at New City!  This prayer weekend will strengthen your own prayer life and equip you with the vision and tools to help others too.

Friday: May 5, 6 - 9pm (dinner provided beginning at 5:30)
Saturday: May 6, 9 am-4 pm (continental breakfast available at 8:30am, lunch also provided)

This is what some of last month’s attendees had to say:
  • “Something opened up in my heart, I feel closer to Jesus and his people in this place, I feel connected spiritually to the neighborhood, connected spiritually to God’s purpose in the neighborhood.” 
  • “Reignited my desire to pray more, and more effectively.” 
  • “Refreshed.”
There are only 75 total spots available (65 to first-timers, and 10 open to those who want to repeat the weekend).

Note: We are unable to provide childcare for this event.
First timers: $30 per person, $20 for spouse add-on (Covers Workbooks and Meals)
Repeat attenders (already have materials): $15 per person, $10 for spouse add-on





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