Wellness Conference Report

Thanks to all who helped make our first conference a success!
  • Seventy adult participants were present for the conference. 
  • Seven community providers shared with the conference participants during breaks and lunch.
  • Conference presenters gave invaluable information on COVID-19 updates, Lifestyle medicine, adult mental health, school-age mental health and lifestyle medicine, and financial and spiritual health.
  • Blood pressures were taken by Gaye Clark and other volunteer nurses.
  • Memorial Mobile Mammography performed mammograms onsite. 
  • Childcare was provided by Amy Blackney and volunteers. 
  • Bethany and Mathias Shapiro and volunteers worked as the hospitality team for conference vendors and participants.
  • Michael Tolliver and Isaiah Taylor were present as video and audio engineers, assisting the conference presenters. 
  • Pastor Kevin opened and closed the conference with prayer.





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