Session Update to Congregation

The Session at New City Fellowship Glenwood has been responding to the Church Health Audit from October 2022. While the audit had some encouraging feedback, it also identified some areas of church life that needed more attention. The Session has identified several areas in particular that need improvement and work has begun on bringing about the needed changes. It is the desire of the Session that with more understanding of what we are doing to serve you and lead our church that you will be motivated and better equipped to work with and pray for us.

One area in the audit that received a low rating (2.58 out of 5) was “There is effective communication within New City”. In addressing this area, some of the changes that have been made to increase the effectiveness of church communication include redesigning the church website (making it more interactive) and the church Newsletter (synchronizing email list with Planning Center data), setting up an online directory to make contacting one another more convenient, and following up on visitors and members through the Connect Cards. Jeff Rakes has been a key person for helping the Session’s Executive Committee which is responsible to implement these changes concerning communications with the congregation.

Another response for the need to have more effective communication is to regularly publish a Session Report to the Congregation. The Session Report is intended to keep church members informed and encouraged. This current edition of the Session Report is devoted to informing the congregation about the work of the session performed by session committees. Click here to find a list of ongoing session committees along with a brief description of the work they do. If you have questions about the committees’ work or you are interested in getting involved with the committee, then contact the committee chairperson.





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