Adult Sunday School Summer 2023

2nd trimester: June 4 through July 30th

“Our vision is to be a cross-cultural worshipping community, centered in the Gospel of Jesus Christ that produces discipled believers who become God’s instruments of grace, justice, and mercy.”

1.    Gospel Transformations: Led by Alvin Huffine & Dan Morris
Meets in Fellowship Hall room nearest Rudy’s Room. This is an ongoing class; however, new attendees are always welcomed and encouraged to attend. The class in intended to transform your life through an understanding and application of the gospel.

2.    Married Couples Class: Led by McKillops and Wilhelms
Meets in Music Room upstairs. This class will use Paul Tripp’s material, “What Did You Expect? Redeeming the Realities of Marriage” Marriage involves two flawed people living in a fallen world. Unrealistic expectations can set a couple up for conflicts. Learn how reconciliation can be a lifestyle in marriage by God’s faithfulness and grace. This class is ongoing, but new couples are welcomed.

3.    One Blood- Parting Words to the Church on Race and Love: Led by Cynthia Young
Meets in Fellowship Hall room nearest the kitchen. The class will use John Perkins’ book, One Blood- Parting Words to the Church on Race and Love, to frame discussions on how God’s Word directs believers to love one another and to be reconciled on the basis of our common humanity and on Christ’s declaration that He has made us One. The focus of the class will be to apply what we learn to our church and our lives. Those who attended the Racial Reconciliation class will find this class to be a good follow-up. All are invited to attend this class.

4.    Living Among Strangers: The Public Life of Jesus and His Followers: Led by Ron Lowe
Meets in Fellowship Hall Middle Room. The course will provide a biblical, Christ-centered theology of public life and witness for the Christian. This course will help New City members implement our  mission to be involved in the broader Kingdom of God as instruments of reconciliation, mercy, and justice. Using the biblical descriptions of the life of Jesus and His first followers, the course will help us distinguish between God’s kingdom and worldly kingdoms, as well as equipping us to better love, serve, and evangelize our neighbors in shared, public spaces.





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