Block Party Highlights

Dear New City Family,

The Block Party was a great and blessed event on many levels!!
  1. People took to heart the encouragement to take advantage of opportunities to "take the stand" and witness for Christ. I saw many conversations going on and was part of one where a testimony was powerfully shared and a man wept as we prayed over him. It was awesome to see God's love being shown at work!!!
  2. One of the youth prayed for an adult visitor and encouraged her heart.
  3. There was a large amount of NCF fam who came out to serve and participate!!
  4. The food was delicious and plentiful!!
  5. The Lord answered prayer for good weather and Bayberry residents hung around and talked much more than in past years when it was raining or very hot.
  6. I overheard a resident telling an NCF member how much she felt loved by the church and wanted to visit a worship service.
  7. Special thanks to the Music Crew. The New City Boogie was in rare form. Daniel & Prakash lead a band of our gifted singers and musicians. 
  8. There were reconnections with many old friends and families served through GLAD and other ministries!! Praise God for the fruit that will come from these!
  9. Kudos to all who set up, took down, made those GREAT signs, sold t-shirts, prayed with people, shopped, cooked, donated, served food, painted faces, played with children, gave out books, fixed bikes, etc, etc. 
  10. Special thanks to Broderick Burke and James Ward for coordinating details.
To God be the Glory!!  Jesus is Lord!! 

Kevin and Sandra





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