Summer Single Service to Begin June 25

Dear New City Members / Regular Attenders,                                       

Thank you for your feedback on the idea of combining our two services into one over the next 3 months as we try out a new schedule that we hope will be a positive change.  As you know, there are many moving parts that have to be considered in any Sunday morning schedule with families, children and youth, music ministry staff, nursery staff and volunteers, etc.  For several reasons, the Session would like to try the following: 

Schedule for the summer months

9:00 – 9:50 AM Sunday School for all ages
10:05 – 11:35 AM Worship Service

We would like to begin this new schedule on June 25th with a potluck fellowship meal after the service.  We will announce the schedule change over the next two Sundays (6/11 and 6/18).  A congregational meeting is on the calendar for September 20th where we can further evaluate this change.  

A few of the details the Session discussed

The Transition Time:  15 minutes between the two events (9:50-10:05) adds another 5 minutes to our current transition time.  We want a little more time between the two events, but we also want to consider our parents with young children who gather and keep up with the kids between Sunday School and worship.

Children in Worship:  At the offering time in the worship service, parents are invited as usual to take infants through 1st grade to the nursery during the second half of the service.  

Nursery workers:  With fewer nursery workers needed our nursery shepherds and volunteers will not have to be scheduled more than once every 6 weeks or so since we know they will miss part of the service on the morning they serve our children.

Regular greeting time:  We will plan for a regular time of greeting in our services.

Coffee and snacks:  We hope to have these available from 8:45 AM so you can take a cup of coffee and snack to Sunday School with you.   We would like to discourage food being taken into the sanctuary for the worship service but drinks in personal mugs with screw on type lids (like a Yeti Cup) would be okay (no paper cups please).  Our church mouse likes it when we leave crumbs for him 😊

We will continue to pray and trust the Lord for his will in all these details and for his continued blessing on our church and community.

Yours on behalf of the session,

Billy McKillop





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