The Holy Sexuality Project

This to announce the Biblical Sexuality Sunday School Class that will begin August 27th and run through December.

This class will be for parents and possibly for grandparents or legal guardians of teens and pre-teens. If you are in that category, listen up! This class is for you!

Think back to when you were a child. How old were you when your parents first started to talk with you about matters of sex and sexuality. Five years old? Ten years old? Fifteen years old? Never? If NEVER, how did you learn about sex and sexuality? Peer groups? A friend? Movies? Possibly even unplanned exposure to pornography?

Now, think about today. How will (or have) your children or grandchildren learn about matters of sex and sexuality? From you directly? Peer groups? A friend? Movies? Possibly even unplanned exposure to pornography? You know, if they have a smart phone, that is like having a pornography library in their pocket.

Did you know that 21% of parents say they aren’t planning on bringing up sex with their children at all? And 26% of parents admit they would feel awkward while having those conversations about sex with their children. (Source: OnePoll)

As parents (or grandparents) you may feel awkward and ill equipped. We get it, these conversations aren’t easy. That's why we're here to help. The truth is, your teen needs you to guide them through a biblical understanding of sexuality at a critical stage of their life.
Today’s worldly culture is pushing an almost limitless number of ways to influence your children about sexual matters in ways you would be hard to imagine even ten years ago. You cannot control all of those ways, but having a strong biblical approach will help you to get started, if you haven’t started already, and it can help you build on the ways you have developed so far.

On June 28 Elder Jerry Moore sent out an email to those in the church database for whom we have an email address announcing a product developed over the last three years by Dr. Christopher Yuan. He is a highly respected educator, author, and speaker on matters of sexuality. Most recently he spoke at a Summit Ministries gathering at Covenant College in mid-July.

The product Dr. Yuan developed is a twelve-lesson video series designed especially for parents and grandparents to assist them in having discussions with their teens and “tweens” about matters related to sexuality. Our Biblical Sexuality Sunday School class will use this video series called The Holy Sexuality Project as the basis for in-depth discussions about how to discuss sexuality with children and teens. However, the class is open to all.

We will do things differently than we did in the fall of 2022 and spring of 2023. With that series we showed a HarvestUSA video on one Sunday and discussed it the following Sunday. This time, we will have an introduction, followed by a video, followed by an open-ended discussion before showing another video.

What does this mean? It means we will not be schedule-driven! If a discussion needs to go on for a whole class period or into the next class period, so be it! We want to answer as many of your questions as we can, provide resource information about books or other products that may help you to be prepared to speak knowledgeably with your children and teens, and offer other opportunities to go further in-depth about subjects of interest. We want the class to be your class as best we can.

Our team, leading each class, will be made up of four of your elders: Broderick Burke, Freeman Broadwell, Pat Rolleston, and Jerry Moore, who heads our team.

It is recommended that you purchase your own license to the on-line product, The Holy Sexuality Project, which costs only $20, not the estimated value of $200. (The low cost is because of donors, but especially a donation by Dr. Yuan’s father before he died because he believed so much in his son’s mission.) It comes with a “Parents’ Guide” that is helpful every step along the way through the 12 lessons. So, please join us by going to this link  to purchase the license and to begin to empower our teens to understand, embrace, and celebrate biblical sexuality!

Thank you for your attention. Hope to see you in the Biblical Sexuality Class.

P.S. Some of you may want to research further because you are undecided about the class or the product we will be using. Dr. Christopher Yuan has been interviewed on several podcasts and on national radio. You may find his testimony and information about The Holy Sexuality Project at the following links:






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