Help Love and Serve our Children

Our Children’s Ministry is in need of more volunteers! If you are older than 14 and enjoy sharing the gospel with children, then we would love for you to join our ministry! We are looking for more volunteers to join our Nursery rotation and serve once every 6 weeks. We have some paid positions available, so please reach out to Yesenia Miranda if you are interested in helping with Nursery!

We are also looking for 2 more willing Sunday School teachers and 3 subs to serve on most Sundays from 9-9:50 am. This is a great opportunity to get to spend about an hour a week discipling our wonderful NCF kids! Please reach out to Percy Rolleston if you are interested in helping with Children’s Sunday School.

And as many of you know, we have reactivated our digital check-in system for our Children’s Ministry. We are in need of volunteers to help check-in children for Sunday School and Nursery each week. This is a 10 minute commitment, but a huge help for our Children’s Ministry. Please prayerfully consider helping our Children’s Ministry serve our NCF kids and reach out to Percy or Yesenia to join our ministry team!





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