2023 Thanksgiving Boxes Outreach Update

Thanks to all who gave food and monetary gifts for Thanksgiving Baskets. An update on giving will be made next week. If you were unable to give an offering last Sunday, you can bring food items to the Fellowship Hall Saturday morning 11/18 when we are assembling the boxes. You can also donate online here.

Our greatest need right now is for people to deliver Thanksgiving boxes 11/19/23 this Sunday if possible or by Monday (there's a frozen turkey in the box.). Pick up boxes after church by 3 pm in the Fellowship Hall. Deliver boxes, meet and pray with recipients, share the gospel and invite folks to come to NCF. And you can still sign up or show up to help: 
  • Friday 11/17  6- 8 pm: Project set up
  • Saturday 11/18 9 am: Boxes assembly in Fellowship Hall





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