Glenwood School Update

Our Glenwood School is Growing

We are thankful to the Lord for The Glenwood School (TGS), the best little school in Chattanooga!  TGS, as you know, is a result of our partnership with Chattanooga Christian School over the past two years.  This fall we will have K-5th grade students receiving a high-quality, affordable Christian education where they can achieve some of their best potential.  In addition to individualized instruction and low student-teacher ratio, the good news of the gospel is integrated with academics through caring teachers and weekly chapels.  

Our New City Facility is Growing

To accommodate adding Grades 3, 4 and 5, the Chattanooga Christian School and some generous donors are raising funds to expand the classrooms on our student wing and to build an additional building on a portion of our rear parking lot. This additional 1,400 square foot building will add two more classrooms that will serve Kindergarten and First Grade. These building improvements will also benefit our Sunday morning children’s program and our GLAD program.  Parking will be reconfigured on the rear lot to make room for the additional classroom building, but we anticipate only having to give up a couple of parking spaces.   
Our Summer Children’s Ministry 

With the renovations going on in the children’s wing in June and July, Percy is thinking through our Sunday morning children’s programming and how we can make use of the fellowship hall classrooms.  Our nursery and toddlers will still use the two rooms on the hallway near the children’s check-in desk.  Please pray about how you can serve in the worship and work of the church and on behalf of the children this summer.  We will need Sunday School teachers and volunteers and hall monitors and nursery workers as usual over the busy summer months.

Our Glenwood School Staff is Growing
Assistant Principal, Cortez Stokes
Fourth Grade Teacher, Liza Reynolds
Exceptional Education Teacher,
Cameron Wade
Third Grade Teacher, Erika Peña
Fifth Grade Teacher, Anna Wiggins
First Grade Teacher, Amy Cooke

Together for the good news of the gospel,

Pastor Billy McKillop
On behalf of New City elders and deacons





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