Congregational Meeting August 18

The Session has called a congregational meeting for Sunday August 18th, 2024 9:00-9:50 AM in accordance with our PCA book of church order and our New City Fellowship by-laws 1) to elect officers and 2) to elect deaconesses who will serve alongside the deacons.  

In accordance with our book of church order of the Presbyterian Church in America, elders and deacons are elected as officers of the church; in accordance with our New City Fellowship by laws, deaconesses are elected by the congregation and appointed by the session as assistants to the deacons (BCO 9-7) “in their ministry of caring for the sick, the widows, the orphans, the prisoners, and others who may be in any distress or need.  Assistants to the deacons are not officers of the church (BCO 7-2) and, as such, are not subjects for ordination. (BCO 17)”. 
Anyone may attend the congregational meeting, but only Members may vote.

The following men have been nominated by the congregation & trained for the office of deacon, have passed examination by the Session, and are eligible for election to the office of deacon: Bill Cook, Peter Upton, and Glenn Wiggins.  

Gaye Clark has been nominated by the congregation, gone through training, and is eligible to be elected as a by the congregation and appointed by the Session as a deaconess (assistant to the deacons).





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