Parking Update

Parking Update
Construction for the Glenwood School is well under way. There are many changes, but we're working to ease the inconveniences as much as possible.  We are temporarily giving up 18 parking spaces on our back parking lot during construction of an additional two classrooms over the next 3 months or so.

We will not be able to use the back entrance on Sundays, so you can enter through the side door on Kilmer Street, through the door by the playground or through the front door to the sanctuary on Third Street.

A Few Volunteers Needed
We are looking for about 10 younger more mobile folks on Sunday mornings who will volunteer to park on Derby Street and leave the church parking lot for those who may find it difficult to walk a block or two.  Parking is permitted on the west side of Derby Street from 3rd to McCallie.  (We just can't block a driveway). If you can help us in this way, please sign up using the button below.  Many thanks!





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